Wireless Hill Park

Jug Orchid in Wireless Hill Park

If you are looking for a place to see wildflowers around Perth, Wireless Hill Park in Ardross is one such place. It is a bushland that has been reserved for the communication station (operated between 1912 and 1968), thus not open for housing development and this is what made the bushland thrive. The Park has a dedicated wildflower walk with informative signs (thanks to the Friends of Wireless Hill volunteers for looking after the park and the plants).  park also has a picnic area, a nature-based playground and Telecommunications Museum. The kids enjoyed their play, while I admired wildflowers. Perfect afternoon!

There are a lot of kangaroo and cat’s paw flowers in the park.

A variety of different orchids is another highlight of Wireless Hill Park. Wild orchids are delicate, quite small and easy to miss. But when you spot one, kneel down and take time to look, you will see intricate beauty and uniqueness of nature’s creation.

Pansy Donkey orchids are quite common while Jug Orchids (above) are more difficult to find.

Caladenia arenicola – Carousel Spider (above left). Lyperanthus serratus rattle beak orchid (above centre). Pink Fairy Orchid Caladenia latifolia (above right).

History, waterfalls and wildflowers at John Forrest NP

John Forrest National Park is rich in history, natural beauty and wildflowers. It is Western Australia’s first (and Australia’s second) national park. It was declared as National Park back in 1900 by WA’s first Premier Sir John Forrest and renamed as John Forrest National Park in 1947 to honour the great politician and explorer. The park is located in the Perth Hills, approximately 30km east from the city centre.

The State’s main railway passed through the park until its closure in 1966. Now it is a Heritage Trail where you can see famous Swan View Tunnel. It is a 2.2km from the picnic area.

The park has a number of hiking trails, ranging from easy 300m Promenade loop around a small nature based playground to 16km loop trail.

There are two natural waterfalls within the park, bbq and picnic facilities.

The park is rich in flora and has about 490 species of plants. Late winter and spring are particularly good times to view spectacular display of wildflowers.

We enjoyed our visit to John Forrest National Park. It is a great place to visit over the weekend to learn about history, hike, relax and admire the views.

Looking for more places to visit with wildflowers or waterfalls around Perth? Check out our blogs.