Bungendore Park

Hiking at Bungendore Park

Bungendore Park is a bushland reserve with diverse flora and fauna and is a great place for hiking. The park is part of Wungong Regional Park. It is located near Armadale, approximately 30km south east of Perth. There are 2 entrances to this nearly 500 hectar park: from Dryandra Drive off Albany Highway and from Admiral Road near Southern Hills Christian College. There are 5 hiking trails within the park, varying in length and difficulty and it is one of only a few parks where dogs are allowed. I chose the shortest walk, which is 2,3km Whistler Walk. It is an easy and very pleasant walk for those who are in nature appreciation.

Flora and fauna

Mixed Jarrah-Marri forest is very much alive with numerous sounds. Cicadas are particularly active at this time of the year (early December). And of course, there are sounds of whistlers, which are easier heard than seen. There are not many flowers blooming at the beginning of summer and they are mostly fringed lilies and some eucalyptus trees.

But Christmas spiders are out (below).

These tiny cute creatures are less than 1cm. There are also other names for a Christmas spider and its official name is Austracantha minax. Christmas spider is most active during months of December and January, hence it is common name.

December is also the time when Christmas Tree (above), officially known as Nuytsia floribunda, is blooming. It is lovingly called Christmas tree because it flowers in time for Christmas preparations and decorations. Its bright orange flowers are an absolute delight and such a beautiful decoration of the bush by nature. Bees love it too!

Other info

Yes, you can take your dog to the park! And it is free.

Wildflowers around Esperance

There are a few places where you can enjoy seeing wildflowers around Esperance.

Stokes Inlet National Park – 80km west of Esperance

Stokes Inlet National Park is an attractive place to visit when you are around Esperance. It is quite big and diverse.

Banksia speciosa is abundant throughout Stokes Inlet National Park and all around Esperance. Eucalyptus pleurocarpa or Tallerack is a mallee type shrub  which can be seen in Stokes Inlet National Park and also Quagi beach reserve.

Cape Le Grand National Park wildflowers – 50km east of Esperance

Located 50km east of Esperance, Cape Le Grand is known for some of the best beaches in Australia. During the season, it is also a place to see many wonderful wildflowers.

Cape Arid National Park wildflowers – 120km east of Esperance

Cape Arid National Park is another place where you can see wildflowers when you are around Esperance. We visited Cape Arid NP a few times and really enjoyed camping there. Every time we went there, it was not the wildflower season, so we didn’t see a huge variety. If you are a serious wildlfower hunter, check out this website for wildflower identification around Esperance.