Cockburn Ranges is one of the iconic places in East Kimberley region, north-east of Western Australia. It is a prominent landmark, that rises over 600 meters high above the surrounding plains. This scenic place is a must to see for those travelling along the Gibb River Road or visiting El Questro. It is beautiful and every changing and one of the ways to see Cockburn Ranges is from the air.
Cockburn Ranges Scenic Flight
Seeing a landscape from a bird’s eye view gives you a different perspective. First, you can see different angles of the same place. Second, there is an opportunity to appreciate the vastness and the expanse of the land. Third, you can spot some details that might not be visible from below. This was the idea behind taking a scenic flight with Aviair from Kununurra to see Cockburn Ranges and the mighty Kimberley rivers. Unfortunately, it was not the best day for scenic flights. There was a lot of haze from controlled burning up in the air. In addition, the position of the sun was often in the wrong direction at times. Yet, we enjoyed the flight and made the best of our experience (despite feeling a bit airsick in that tiny airplane ☹).

Mudflats and Five Rivers Lookout at Wyndham
Wyndham is West Australia’s most northerly town, located 100km north from Kununurra, and it is the best place to see where the 5 Kimberley mighty rivers – the Durack, King, and Pentecost to the south, Forrest to the west and Ord to the east – combine and enter the Cambridge Gulf. Mesmerizing mudflats formed by the rivers, their colours, shapes and patterns are a photographer’s dream. We first saw these unique and beautiful mudflats from the Five Rivers Lookout on the top of the Bastion Range at Wyndham.

Then we drove 100km to Kununarra to take Colours of the Cockburn Ranges scenic flight to see those amazing mudflats from above. It was unforgetable experience!