Island Point Reserve on the shore of Harvey Estuary in Herron, in the Peel region is a popular place to suit many interests.
Activities and attractions
Bird lovers will enjoy spotting a variety of birds, from wetland, to bush and prey birds.

Wildflower enthusiasts will delight in seeing orchids, giant cowkicks trigger plants and many other wildflowers in season.

Elythranthera emarginata Pink Enamel Orchid (above left), Milkmaid Burchardia congesta (above middle top), Stylidium schoenoides Cow Kicks Triggerplant (above middle bottom), Waitzia suaveolens (above right).

Island Point also provides picnic facilities with barbeques, picnic tables and toilets. You can launch a small boat or a kayak, or go crabbing. Above all you can simply enjoying easy hiking through wetlands while observing amazing flora and fauna.
Island Point Reserve location
The reserve is at the end of Island Point Road, just off Old Coast Road, south of Mandurah. It is roughly 1,5 hours drive from Perth.