Stirling Range NP

Bluff Knoll is the third highest mountain peak in Western Australia and is the highest in Stirling Range

Stirling Range NP is one of the best places in Western Australia for hiking, as well as to view wildflowers. Over 1500 species of plants grow there, with some plants not existing anywhere else in the world. Some plants are easy to spot and they are quite abundant. Others are rare and threatened flora and very hard to find, as it is protected. Certain types of wildflowers, like mountain bells, only grow in altitudes higher than 300 meters above sea level.

Bluff Knoll flora

The plants below were all photographed while climbing Bluff Knoll hiking trail.

East and West of Stirling Range NP

I found these wildflowers in Stirling Range National Park in places, other than Bluff Knoll. We stayed at Stirling Range Retreat, where a lot of orchids, as well as other plants grow.

Porongurup Range wildflowers

Porongurup Range wildflowers -Utricularia multifida (pink petticoats

Porongurup Range wildflowers are a real treat for nature and photography enthusiasts. Porongurup Range is considered the oldest mountain range in the world and is internationally recognised as “biodiversity hotspot” in the South West region of Western Australia. More than 700 native species of wildflowers are growing within tall karri and open jarrah forests in Porongurup Range National Park.

These are just some of the wildflowers we spotted during our hikes there.

For information about the hiking trails in Porongurup Range National Park, check out our other post here.

Porongurup Range National Park

Porongurup Range National Park was a pleasant surprise despite unfriendly weather over the long weekend in September (2022). Considered as the oldest mountain range in Australia, Porongurup is over 1 billion years old. It is located 15km east of Mount Barker in the South West region of WA. Staying for only 2 days there was definitely not enough to see and experience everything this beautiful place has to offer. So we missed on the famous Granite Skywalk (due to some mishaps and unfavorable weather). But we did climb Devils Slide, which is the highest peak in Porongurup (670 meters).

Devils Slide

The view over the range from Devils Slide

It was a challenging and lengthy hike for someone of just average level of fitness. The trail starts from the Tree-in-the-Rock carpark. The first part of the trail (Wansbrough walk) is a relatively easy uphill path. It is 1600 meters in length and goes through majestic karri forest.

Easy Wansbrough walk

It is a beautiful trail with towering trees, lush vegetation, rich in colours, patterns, shapes and textures. The forest is full of sounds of the birds and scent of the plants.

Arriving at the intersection (at the end of Wansbrough walk) we turned right to follow 2,5km one way steep and slippery (due to wet weather) Devils Slide trail to the summit.

The views on the way up were magnificent.

As we reached the summit, the weather changed from sunny to a thick cloud enveloping us with nearly zero visibility This was followed by rain – all within a few minutes. It was quite an experience 😊.

Tree in the rock

Tree in the rock is a unique tree growing through the crack in a rock in Porongurup National Park. It does not stand out as an attraction by itself, but a short walk from the carpark towards it through the forest is nice.

Walitj Meil walk

Walitj Meil trail in Porongurup Range National Park is a short and pleasant hiking trail (only 1km return). It is a great alternative for those who are not fit enough to climb nearby Castle Rock or don’t have enough time for it. Walitj is an Aboriginal name for a wedge-tailed eagle, which is a Noongar totem. Eagles mostly seen flying high in the sky, above the mountain peaks where they nestle.

Walitj Meil trail is best enjoyed if you like to take your time and enjoy noticing little (as well as big) things around you. First, it is the textures of the trunks of the trees. Second, it is the patterns of the leaves. Third, it is the colours of the flowers. And lastly, it is the shapes of the plants. The majestic karri forest through which the trail goes, is full of sounds – birds’ song, rustling of the leaves and grass, squeaking of the tree branches, howling of the wind. Forest in Porongurup Range is very much alive and rich, waiting to be discovered and appreciated in its natural beauty.

It was a relaxing holiday to Porongurup. And while we did not see (and climb) everything we wanted, we did see some interesting things, including plenty of blooming wildflowers (here is a separate post about the flowers).

Travel Nut family at Porongurup