Tims Thicket Beach location and access
Tims Thicket beach is well known among 4WD enthusiasts. It is the closest to Perth 4WD beach, in the south. The drive from Perth is just over an hour south, past Mandurah. Tims Thicket beach is also easily accessible. The 4WD access track is only about 1km or so and is relatively easy.

Beach and activities
The beach itself is quite pleasant and long enough for a nice drive (2km long). Some parts are rocky and add beauty to the landscape.

Other parts are sandy and are great for young families. The winds can be strong there but it still makes it a nice beach, if you like outdoors and appreciate nature.

There is no shortage of birds – both on shore and up in the air.

Above: Caspian Tern (top left), Caspian Tern and Pied Cormorants in flight (top middle), bird of prey, potentially of one the Kites (top right), Pied Cormorants (bottom).
There are no facilities, although there is a rubbish bin and the sign at the beginning of the track, where everyone stops to deflate and inflate tyres. From that point there is also a pedestrian beach access going uphill over the steps. Overall, Tims Thicket beach is a nice introduction to a novice 4WD enthusiast and it also makes it an enjoyable day trip for anyone who is into beach driving, fishing or exploring new places.