When it comes to 4WDriving there are some things to consider: requirements, planning, actions to name a few. Choosing your 4WD vehicle is only the beginning and the first step of the process (not buying yet). To be able to truly enjoy your off road experience and being safe, which is a critical factor, you probably may need to do a minimum upgrade to your vehicle and some modifications depending on your needs. Whether you choose to do them after your vehicle delivery or before, it is a separate matter as there are pros and cons of each. Taking all the right gear with you is another consideration. But even with the right vehicle and the equipment, there are still things you might need to know and consider before go 4WDriving. The type of terrain, weather conditions, tyre pressure are only some of the things to take into account. This is a new page and we’ll be adding more posts to it over the time. Please come back later, or subsribe to our newsletter, if you haven’t found what you were looking just yet.